
About phatpoints

Hi, I'm Alex.

I'm a clinical psychologist, avid traveler, and I love documenting the funny and absurd in a comic strip I’ve developed.

I like to combine my taste for luxurious travel with humour that laughs at myself and the crazy world of travel blogging.

I also like to scout for great travel deals while laughing at the absurd things people do to get great travel deals.

Be warned that while my taste in airlines, restaurants and hotels is pretty good, the same cannot always be said of my taste in comedy and humour.

But it’s mostly at my expense and offset by the goodness of my travel companion, Dog.

Above all, I’d like to help you travel better and laugh while doing it, without getting myself cancelled, banned, or arrested. Life’s too short to not travel, laugh, and click on the affiliate links, so enjoy Phatpoints!

what you will find on this blog

Luxurious travel with humour that laughs at myself and the crazy world of travel blogging.

Great travel deals while laughing at the absurd things people do to get great travel deals.

Travel better and laugh while doing it! Be sure to click on the affiliate links to support this blog!

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